Pioneer Species

In simple terms, pioneer species in New Zealand are the first plants that grow in places where there's been a lot of disruption, like after a fire or when land is cleared. They're important because they help stabilize the soil, make the area more diverse with different types of plants, and pave the way for other plants to grow in the future.

Contact our friendly team to view our selection, as we are constantly building our supply of native trees.

  • Cordyline australis - Ti Kouka

    (Cabbage Tree)

    Slender trunk, sword-shaped leaves, suitable for coastal gardens

  • Kunzea robusta - Kānuka

    (and other varieties)

    Abundant white flowers, aromatic foliage, tolerates various conditions

  • Leptospermum scoparium - Mānuka

    Small aromatic leaves, medicinal properties, prized manuka honey production

  • Phormium cookianum - Wharariki

    (Mountain Flax)

    Upright sword-like leaves, graceful flower stalks, suitable for revegetation projects

  • Phormium tenax - Harakeke


    Cultural significance to Māori, strong fiber for weaving, colorful cultivars available

  • Dodonaea viscosa - Akeake

    Lance-shaped leaves, wind tolerance, suitable for coastal gardens

  • Coprosma Robusta - Karamū

    Glossy leaves, orange berries, and exhibits strength in its ability to thrive in diverse conditions, including coastal environments.