New Zealand NativeTrees

We have lots of reasons to give thanks to our trees. They are home to many of our native birds and bees. They provide us shade on a sunny day and give us pleasure when we look out the window. They clean the air we breathe and the oxygen we burn; they stabilise our environment and bring life and joy into our lives. We love our native trees and our native tree nursery, a baby forest that will grow up to protect us. We have a wide variety of New Zealand native trees in our nursery.

Contact our friendly team to view our selection, as we are constantly building our supply of native trees.

  • Rhopalostylis sapida - Nikau Palm

    Tropical appearance, coastal tolerance, attractive red fruits

  • Beilschmiedia tarairi - Tarairi

    Large glossy leaves, strong timber, resistance to pests and diseases

  • Beilschmiedia tawa - Tawa

    Durable timber, large canopy, pioneer species in forest regeneration

  • Corynocarpus laevigatus - Karaka

    Distinctive orange fruit, glossy leaves, cultural significance to Māori

  • Dacrycarpus dacrydioides - Kahikatea

    Valuable timber, conical shape, ability to grow in wetlands

  • Knightia excelsa - Rewarewa

    (New Zealand Honeysuckle)

    Attractive yellow flowers, fine foliage, tolerates various conditions

  • Metrosideros excelsa - Pōhutukawa

    Vibrant red flowers, coastal wind tolerance, cultural significance as New Zealand's Christmas tree

  • Podocarpus totara - Tōtara

    Versatile timber tree, reddish bark, durable wood, important in Māori carving